Регламент прошедшего турнира:
2 группы: группа А - профессионалы
группа Б - новички
Правила, думаю, в переводе не нуждаются:
Players and stones: There are two players. The first player, called Black here, holds a set of black stones, like Go or Go-Moku games. The second player, called White here, holds a set of white stones.
Game boards: 19x19 Go boards.
Game moves: Black plays first and puts only one black stone on one unoccupied intersection (or called grid). Subsequently, Black and White alternately put two of their own stones on two unoccupied grids.
Game winning: The one who first gets six or more consecutive stones (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) of her/his own wins. When all squares on the board are placed without connecting six, the game draws.
Time Limit: Each player has 30 minutes.
За золото давали 10 000 $
за серебро 5 000 $
за бронзу 3 000 $
Первые 3 победителя группы А получат возможность сыграть против проги. Каждый сыграет с ней по 2 раза - за победу - 6 000$, за ничью - 3 000$ и за поражение - 2 000 $
Вот так надо деньги зарабатывать